Monday, May 12, 2008

Update from 28 week appointment

Had my glucose test today - that was some seriously nasty stuff to drink. I figured out that if I took a huge gulp then quickly sipped some water after I swallowed the glucola but BEFORE I breathed I wasn't able to taste it. My OB works under the "no news is good news" framework, so here's to hoping that I don't get a phone call with bad test results. The worst part was having to fast for 3 hours before drinking it. My appointments are usually on Monday mornings but they couldn't get me in until 2:00 today. I had to drink the grossness at 1, so it was a loooooong morning and afternoon with no food.

I've actually lost 1/2 pound since my last appointment. No clue how that happened, I feel like I'm eating all the time. I am eating less at each feeding time though, so maybe it's all evening out somehow. They're happy that I don't have any swelling or other issues to speak of. I was given a copy of my medical records, a pamphlet on "Traveling While Pregnant," and instructions to get up and walk around every 45 minutes while waiting at the airport and on the plane, so I'm all set for my trip East. I only hope the Yankees are kind enough to win on Saturday, for what will 99.9% likely be my last trip to THE Yankee Stadium. I'd be so sad if my visits to that hallowed ground ended on a sour note. It's a good thing this isn't a Yankees blog, otherwise you'd need a censor for my language, given the current state of things. That's all I'm going to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that glucose drink sucks....I gagged the whole time drinking it. I hope all goes well for you!!!



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