How far along: 12 weeks
Total weight gain: Maybe a pound? Not really sure. It swings wildly day-to-day
Maternity clothes: Got a ton of clothes from friends and co-workers! Yay for the maternity clothing swap cycle. Unfortunately, most of it is a little too big for me, still. I may be making a trip to target this week.
Stretch marks: Not at this point.
Sleep: Probably not a good question today, as I was up waaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime watching Obama win the election!
Best moment of this week: Peppermint Mochas and the NT Scan we had yesterday. More about that tomorrow!
Miss anything: Liquor, especially after the election stress of yesterday
Exercise: Kettlebells and running. Finally starting to get back into the swing of things. Went for an outdoor run yesterday morning just for a change of pace, and remembered that treadmill running doesn't equal sidewalk running. I thought I was going to die. I did, however, get the all clear from the OB to attempt marathon training.
Movement: Not sure. I think maybe, once, but I wouldn't swear to it.
Food cravings: I've moved to the real junk cereals this week - Cookie Crisp.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Slowly improving, but yogurt is still a no-go
Have you started to show yet: Yes, but not flaunting it yet
Gender: I have a "feeling," and we got a guess at the NT Scan yesterday. Either way, we'll know in about 10 days
Happy or moody most of the time: Still rather pissy and very weepy. I cried a lot yesterday, mostly about the election. Cried again in my car this morning while they talked about the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and how people lined up in the freezing cold and dark just to cast their votes
Looking forward to: Waiting impatiently for the results of the MateniT21 test. It's going to be a long 10 days.