Music has always been an important part of my life. While I'm not talented enough to play it or write my own, I've always felt that it was good for the soul. My musical tastes are quite varied - country music is really the only genre that has no appeal to me (although some would argue that Sheryl Crow is country...). I also love that music acts as a powerful trigger of memories. Actually, strike that - I have a love/hate relationship with that phenomenon. There are some memories that are bittersweet and some that are downright awful. But there are many more memories of happy times, times with friends and family, certain parts of my life that were so central in making me who I am today, and I love that listening to a song can take me back to those times and give me the warm and fuzzies all over again.
So where am I going with this? Well, there have been an awful lot of Facebook posts lately about the "30 Day Song Challenge." There's a list of topics, and each day you have to pick a song to go along with the topic (i.e. What's your favorite song? What song makes you happy? What song reminds you of your childhood?). I thought it would make for a fun blog meme. You can really get to know a person by learning about their songs and the stories that accompany them.
So here we go. I thought that daily posts seemed a little unreasonable, so starting next week, I'm going to post the challenge link-up every Monday and you'll have until the end of the week to respond. I'll post the topics a week in advance, as some of them take some mental effort (or they do, for me, at least).
Hope you will join me in this little game, it would be fun to get to know my fellow bloggers and maybe even find a new favorite song or two.
Just to give you a head start, the challenge for next week is "What is your favorite song?" Just to warn you, this one is harder than it initially seems. I've been thinking about it for a good 24 hours and I still can't decide which is my absolute favorite.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite cover songs, posted in honor of Opening Day tomorrow! Let's Go Yankees!
Week One - Your Favorite Song
Week Two - A Song From your Childhood
Week Three - Your Favorite Cover Song
Week Four - A Song that Makes you Happy
Week Five - A Song that is a Guilty Pleasure
Week Six - Your Favorite Song From a Movie Soundtrack
Week Seven - Your Favorite Song From a Television Show
Week Eight - A Song that No One Would Expect you to Love
Week Nine - A Song that You Can Dance To
Week Ten - A Song from your Favorite Album
Week Eleven - A Song from the Year you Graduated High School
Week Twelve - Your Favorite Road Trip Music
Week Thirteen - A Song that Reminds you of Someone