Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things You Want Wednesday - Baby Wipes in the Car Edition

C is usually ready for a snack when I pick him up from daycare. He usually gets whatever parts of his waffle that went unfinished at breakfast. Leftover waffles don't go bad and don't start to smell funny by the end of the day. They also don't get very crumby, which makes them an ok car snack.

We had to stop at the grocery store on the way home, and we were almost there after our 15 minute commute. I thought the 1/4 waffle he was munching on was long gone. Then he sneezed the biggest sneeze I've ever heard from him. As he sneezed, something hit me in the back of my neck. A waffle particle. A rather large waffle particle, complete with spitty slime and ooze.

When we got to the store I pulled him out of his seat and discovered that the entire seat back was sprayed with chewed up waffles. He had squirreled the whole thing. What was he doing, saving it for dessert? I'm rather particular about my car and was panicking because I didn't have the diaper bag with me (it doesn't go in the car for daycare trips) and if I didn't clean the goop off it would stick and then dry and harden and it would be impossible to get off.

Then I remembered the small pack of baby wipes I had handed back to C to get him to stop screaming the weekend before. He had thrown them under the seat and I hadn't retrieved them yet. Success!

From now on I will always carry baby wipes in the glove box. I'm sure most moms do that anyway, but just in case.


  1. I'm not kidding, after reading your post, I just got "ewwww gross" shivers down my spine (and that has nothing to do with the fact that the temperature in the newsroom where I work is a cool 62 degrees!!!). YUCKO! I'm glad you had those wipes!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  2. That, my dear, was too funny! I'll never forget the time I glanced in the rear view mirror, only to see my son's face and hands covered in blood - a lot of it. He had gotten a bloody nose and just thought it was a runny nose. (Gross enough that I got to see all the places he wipes his runny nose!) Thank goodness I had those wipes in the car. I must have looked pretty silly holding a giant handful of bloody wipes. For the record...Costco ones are the best.

    I found your blog while looking for a mom like me who is starting PX90. I'm not blogging my experience, but I'll definitely follow along with you. Good luck. Today is my yoga day, but I plan to go to live music yoga at the gym rather than do the video.

  3. OK, you had me cracking up. You have such a way with words and the whole story was told in typically hilarious fashion.

    Thanks for the tip, has never occurred to me to keep wipes in the car, but I will now!

  4. Eww! Yuck! Thank goodness for baby wipes!

  5. OK, I've got to ask-- how are you a Yankees and a Bearcats fan? Those two don't seem to go together!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  6. OMG-That's hilarious (sorry). I keep baby wipes in my car, and I don't even have a baby-Baby wipes rock!



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