Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hippie or Not?

So over the weekend it was brought to my attention that some people think I'm "hippie-ish." I was shocked to hear this piece of information. Not because I think hippies are bad, on the contrary I admire the individuals who were part of that subculture - their respect for individual rights and their unwillingness to blindly follow authority. Apparently the idea of "me-as-hippie" was inspired by a few characteristics of my life. Perhaps the better term would be "Crunchy," rather than "Hippie."

The Pro-Hippie/Crunchy List
1. Eating habits (Natural/local/organic/homemade)
2. Breastfeeding
3. Eco-Friendly/Sustainable Living
4. Baby-Food Making
5. Cloth Diapering
6. Craigslist/Thrift Store Shopping

I'm not saying that I'm really good at everything in that list. I sneak a soda here and there during long and boring days at work, I don't think Dunkin is organic OR natural, I can't bring myself to use cloth toilet paper, and we use disposable wipes on the really awful diapers. I also don't think these behaviors need to be limited to the "crunchy" set. If we all made an effort to live a little more sustainably we could have a huge impact on our environment. Breastmilk is the most natural and beneficial food you can give an infant, so to me that was a no-brainer.

I also like to think that I'm not pushy when it comes to these things. If I'm out to dinner at someone else's house, am I going to refuse to eat the meal that's been prepared if the ingredient list includes processed cheese food, high fructose corn syrup, and conventional veggies? No, I won't. Do I judge moms who don't breastfeed? That's a trickier one, because I'll admit that I do believe that everyone should at least consider it, and that the "it's gross" excuse is just flat out wrong. If you've tried it and you either can't do it or decide that it's just not for you, then that's your decision and I won't say a thing either way.

I do like to discuss politics, lean more liberal than most, and if you handed me tickets to Bonnaroo I wouldn't turn them down, but let's think this through realistically, shall we?

The Not Hippie/Crunchy List
1. The car in my garage
2. Satellite TV
3. Occupation
4. Skill set
5. Daily Life

I like deodorant, and I don't mean the natural crystal deodorant. Give me the aluminum-filled antiperspirant deodorant any day! I work in market research, which is probably one of the most anti-crunchy/sustainable occupations out there. Do I question my decision to sell my soul regularly? Yes, but I'm still there, which means that a paycheck can buy me away from my principles.

In summary, when's the last time you saw a HDTV-watching, Real Housewives-obsessed, KitchenAid mixer-loving, sports-car driving Hippie?


  1. Lolz yeah uh, not a hippie. Some folks tend to confuse the term with "liberal"; I've been called the same more than a few times for attending DMB and voting for Obama, and I don't even qualify for half of your pro-hippie list. Priceless.

  2. that word does get tossed around a little too much now. there are lots of people in our generation trying to eat right and save the earth. but we still get regular haircuts and wear shoes.

  3. Great post!

    Are those 6 things really "hippie-ish"? I just thought they were "normal." ;) I do all except #5 (and I have considered that too).

    And I totally agree with you on this part: "Do I judge moms who don't breastfeed? That's a trickier one, because I'll admit that I do believe that everyone should at least consider it..."

  4. Great post!

    Are those 6 things really "hippie-ish"? I just thought they were "normal." ;) I do all except #5 (and I have considered that too).

    And I totally agree with you on this part: "Do I judge moms who don't breastfeed? That's a trickier one, because I'll admit that I do believe that everyone should at least consider it..."



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