Thursday, May 26, 2011

Here I Go, Here I Go, Here I Go Again...

Girls, what's my weakness? Apparently it's shiny medals, because I just registered for the US Air Force Marathon! 17 weeks and counting.


I've already started my training plan, which I'm basing on the plans laid out in a book called "Run Less, Run Faster." I still need to make some tweaks to the long run pace, because I feel like the 9:45 it calls for is a little too slow. It's a work in progress, but that's ok, because the 16 week training program doesn't officially start until next Tuesday. I have the entire 3-day weekend to obsess about it.



  1. WPAFB I've been there a number of times.  Had a big project there.  Great museum.  I seem to remember it being mostly flat.  Too bad they don't offer any jet-packs for the runners.

  2. Oh if you have a moment - your vote over at Jillsy Girls would be great (even if you didn't vote for me just voting is a good thing)

  3. I'm just going to say it. You're crazy.

  4. You are my idol Jene!!!   That is awesome!

  5. Done! I have to go back and read the whole post you entered. I somehow skipped right past it.

  6. I've lived about an hour away for well over 10 years now, and have never made it up for a visit. It's definitely flat. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

    Jet-packs, now that would be nice.

  7. Ha! It sounds like something that could be impressive, until you're in a training group with people who have run 10+ marathons and a handful of individuals over the age of 60 who can run them faster than you ;)



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