Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Update on Team Rachel

A.Nota.Potamus requested an update on my friend Rachel's cancer treatments. I'm more than happy to oblige!

Rachel had her final IV treatment last Monday. The hardest part is over and she says that she's feeling better, although now she's doing a series of self-injections. She'll still be out of work for another month, due to her compromised immune system. I just chatted with her over the weekend to give her an update on our fund-raising efforts - we have raised $676!! That's just from my own marathon miles and the fund-raising I've done at the school. There are also 20-something other members of Team Rachel, so I'm sure our final tally will be pretty incredible. I hope it is, anyway, have you seen the cost of health care lately??

So, big thanks to everyone who donated to our cause. The response was truly more that I ever imagined. I'll check in with Rachel to see if she's got some time to write a real guest post to give you the full story.


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