Wednesday, April 27, 2011


OMG OMG OMG OMG - we got our Flying Pig bib number emails last night!

1542 - finally, I get an even number. Even better, it's a nice arithmetic number: 1+5=4+2. It's the simple things :)

I'm trying really hard not to look at the weather forecast that's telling us about the rain and storms we're going to get that morning. Trying, and failing miserably, because I check for updates every few hours.

My good friend (and former P90X coach!) Lynn sent me a super cute turtle bag to commemorate my first marathon. She packed it full of gatorade, too. It's so nice to have the support of my peeps.

My running buddy is volunteering with an organization that's helping with the Pig, so she'll be out on the course somewhere around mile 14 - I can't wait to see her!

I'm just hoping that the rain stays away so that my family can come down to watch. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I haven't had anyone able to watch either of my two races, and it would be really nice to have someone waiting for me at the finish line. Of course, it was much colder then, and I wouldn't have wanted Husband and Toddler Charlies to be standing out in the cold and rain for two hours waiting for me, anyway. My BFF is running on a relay team, but there's no guarantee that she'll be back to the finish line in time to meet me. It will be nice to see her after the race!

I'm trying to maintain my sanity by making lists, as fellow Pig runner Nota suggested. Between the lists, the t-shirts that I have to finish for Team Rachel (I have a hot date with the iron and some transfers tonight), and my Nook, I have some decent distractions.

My Nook? Yes, I joined the ranks of the evil e-readers. I have good reasons for taking that path, but that's a post for another day. The first book I borrowed from the Ohio library system was Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential. It's absolutely delightful.

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So pretty. I'm going to turn it into a Tablet.


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