Monday, November 22, 2010

Flying Pig Training Week 1

This week is the real beginning of my Flying Pig training program. I combed the interwebs and found a 17-week schedule that I'm going to use as the basis of my training. I'm also signing up for a training group that starts in January, so my calendar is only penciled in right now, as it's all subject to change. I hate pencil.

So yesterday was my first "long run." Technically it's supposed to be next weekend, but since I'm feeling intimidated and it was a beautiful 65 degrees out, I decided to go for it. I made it 5.25 miles, which is officially the farthest I've ever run in my entire life. I did walk for 20 seconds somewhere in the middle while I drank water, but I didn't bother to subtract that distance :)

I almost felt like I could keep going, but since I don't really know my limits I decided to quit while I was ahead rather than risk damaging myself. That, and I really wanted to play with Kinect, so I didn't want to be too sore. I'm ridiculously proud of myself. Even if I get to the end of the training program and don't feel like I can run the whole 26.2 miles, I can at least plan for the half. But I'd still like to do the full. So I'm going to do it. Just keep saying it in my head and it will happen, right?

Speaking of the Kinect, here's a little PSA: Don't wear socks on wood floors while you're playing. I did a spectacular backflip when my legs went out from under me. Other than that, it's the most fun I've had in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The last time I ran that far was.... um.... no idea. Way to go!



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