Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Slept on it

I did a lot of thinking about my religion post. Really, I did a lot of thinking and a lot of revising and a lot of debating before I even hit the "publish post" button to begin with. I still stand by what I said. My intent was to highlight the importance of mutual tolerance, but I guess that got lost in the rambling. Sometimes I do that. Sometimes thoughts don't translate well over the interwebs. Either way, I think everyone can agree that it's important to respect others' beliefs. We can talk about them, we can debate them, we can explain our viewpoints, but in the end, everyone deserves the same respect, regardless of their beliefs.

So now it's 5:00 in the morning and I've been up since 2:00, heading to DC for work again. Left the house at 2:45, learned the hard way that our Dunkin Donuts is not open 24 hours, but made great time getting to the airport. So now I sit. The good news is that there's a Ben & Jerry's down the street from the office. The bad news is that they probably aren't open for breakfast.


  1. Woudl coffee ice cream would be an appropriate breakfast?? :)

  2. But surely they are open AFTER your meeting, right?



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